Energizing digitization for a more vibrant understanding of underrepresented communities.

Council on Library & Information Resources: Digitizing Hidden Collections Symposium

Brand development / Identity design

The textures in the identity were born from actual projects that have been digitized by Digitizing Hidden Collections. Below are a few.

project details

  • Digitizing Hidden Collections (DHC) recipients, archivists, librarians, student workers, faculty members, museum professionals, digital library developers, senior leaders of collecting institutions. They are 25-50, statistically female, highly educated (likely to have a postgraduate degree of some kind), diverse, and professionally experienced.

  • The DHC Symposium reduces redundancy and isolation, and fosters collaboration and knowledge sharing, by providing a meeting place for individuals from a wide variety of institutions who may have common interests and challenges. The Symposium provides an opportunity for sharing, learning and inspiration. The Symposium allows project leaders, workers, and CLIR staff to leverage, disseminate, and build on the knowledge gained over the past symposiums.

  • Draw inspiration for the identity typography from real projects within the collection. Showcase that Digitizing Hidden Collections is not a singular concept but a diverse array of projects that continue to expand.